Happy Halloween

    Happy Halloween

    Very little Trick or Treating - but we can watch spooky movies and scare ourselves a lot! All the best for Halloween from a spoooooky ERWEKA in Langen!

    New video of the TAR Friability Tester

    The TAR series is a USP/EP/JP compliant ERWEKA unit for testing friability and/or abrasion of tablets.


    SVM Tapped Density Tester with new features

    Our ERWEKA SVM Tapped Density Tester has new features.


    Covid-19: Erweka fully operational and delivering

    As a system critical manufacturer be assured that our main producing headquarter ERWEKA GmbH in Langen, Germany, remains fully operational.


    New video of the VDT/S Blister Density Tester

    The ERWEKA VDT/S is a blister density tester for tablet blisters and other packaging forms.


    Erweka part of Critical infrastructure Germany

    As a manufacturer and supplier of tablet testing equipment we are part of the critical infrastructure in Germany.
