
    Physical Basic Service Training

    Ende Februar konnten wir wieder Servicekollegen aus aller Welt in unserem mittlerweile ein Jahr „neuem“ Gebäude in Langen zu einem Physical Basic Service Training begrüßen.


    Analytica postponed to October 19 to 22, 2020

    Due to the rapid spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in Europe several events in Europe are being rescheduled. The Analytica 2020, which was to take place at the end of March/early April in Munich has been postponed to October 19th to 22nd 2020.


    Erweka Zuhai discovers the "Island of Gods"

    For this year company outing members of the ERWEKA Asia Pacific and ERWEKA Zhuhai team were heading to the “Island of Gods”: Bali, Indonesia.


    Spende an Mädchenbüro Milena, Frankfurt

    Auch in diesem - wirtschaftlich herausforderndem Jahr - haben wir es uns nicht nehmen lassen, zu Weihnachten eine Spende an eine wohltätige Organisation vorzunehmen. In diesem Jahr haben wir erstmals das "Mädchenbüro Milena" aus Frankfurt unterstützt.


    20% Black Friday Discount 2019

    We are happy to announce that for the first time ever, ERWEKA is doing a Black Friday Sales Week. The sale starts today and ends on Friday, 29th of November at 11:59 p.m. (CET). During this week, we offer a 20% discount on the official list price of the following devices:
